The Kill of Shame


as you awake and become more clear you are lived
and space is alive with magnificent
beings clearer and more charged over you
you  might  become more vulnerable
to your own dark energy  and self accusation
comes with this territory and growth

all the things you have acted out
asleep through the self locked into a body unaware
surface  as resistant energy and are amplified as the self
through thought and feeling as
you die off lighten up  and refresh

being lived through the light body is not the same as
putting yourself through the mental ringer and conditioned self
here you may be inclined to thrash your own being
through self condemnation rats all over your light and body
trying to make amends with space shot through you
clean up house the human way
here your own mind and thought is your accuser or not
plays you the old movies you hate to know about

and this can destroy
you are you playing along
and into that fight

your body charge and light is letting up
automatically if not for the thinking at and back
on events of  a memory through thought
forced upon and through you by you
and your own thought belief and charge
cause self conflict holds on a dark spell

the body of light  is innocent
whatever you may or may not have done as a human body
space is non accusing
a law of submission
as long as you let not kill at yourself to come clear
for things you did not know how not to do

the body throws tantrums energetically
so you pay attention
to your own thought stream having
a go at yourself
get that and be healed unseen of the thought play
and the effects suck you under

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