Having no idea

before you wake up
you believe you are the master
of your own body and destiny

think feel and live
of the human scale and frenzy
convinced you are living

space ironically shot through you
charging your light
barely enters your mind as life

your awareness
is physically orientated

as you are purely a programmed self
running your own show fed through your mental framework
as thought frames creating your reality effects

watching your reality and life movie unfold
as an outsider at the mercy and helpless
to change it from inside you

unaware you are
a charged up spatial light
animating it all

and then as in many
cases you fall hard of the human press
and space catches you

and are you awake enough to realise it is spatial light
your whole life shifts gear
and you no longer are your own master

you are a light belonged to space
charging and living you through and through

and so the real work begins
through your own body the gateway to space
to grow and be transformed by
means of spatial law and order
equips you with the insight and wisdom
to keep clear as best you can en route to death
and the cycle awaits you

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