Difference Between Bad News and Real News

no human
wants nor likes to be told
what is actually going on for real

messengers of light
are bringers of bad news
to the ears of the masses
living an animated light life
all locked into the human play

owning up to your own shadowed light nature
and dealing direct with your own light effects and charge
plays a role in the broader picture
as a light drop culpable for the effects generally
and collectively playing out
not just personal effects close to home

real and clear news may seem bad
knows you what shall happen
do you not adjust your own tuner

bad news is always
someone else s problem

there is a way to view bad news of light
that does not infect your light

use it to anchor your light and charge clear
on what comes of a discharge once done

all trouble and chaos
is held static and playing out
of resistance to it being there in the first place
and of it having been

memory light effects
reactivate and re animate it

a very important
thing to understand

as space is clear as a bell
non sticky and has no issue with it all ever

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