The Way of Ordered Chaos


as human evolves out of its sleep
some thin out and others become more self
defiant and resistant

a natural side effect
to the human condition throwing off its charge

it shall become very obvious
where ones are at in terms of resistance
to their own light nature
and there is nothing you as an individual may do
to steer that for them
only be a clear charge and light of your compliance to law

every body becomes a stranger
to each other once this takes off

what you know and agree with about yourself
and each other through each other
becomes the problem
not the solution

as you are not living of
and through each other
as you think and believe you are
your head as thought an image
you live only through you and all you are as self

this is tough work and law
plays no games with humans unable
to let up of the human streak and program
clings to the human effects and body
of neural capacity and sensation
and many will not
and disembody as this unfolds
self suicide meaning to or not
but be very aware death is way
to more light and life
here space and the masters have it

no worries

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